martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Una imagen para nuestro proyecto.

Nuestro proyecto ya ha empezado a recorrer su camino.
Os mostramos cuáles serán  las  imágenes que lo acompañarán durante este año escolar.
Ya las podéis encontrar en los lugares más significativos de nuestro instituto y en las redes sociales.
Esperamos que os gusten.

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017


Nuestro centro educativo, el IES Francisco Salzillo, dentro de su Plan de Desarrollo Europeo, continúa con el objetivo de abrir sus aulas a Europa.

Si durante los dos últimos años lo hizo co el proyecto KA219, El español:pasaporte entre culturas, que ha dejado una impronta visible en nuestro centro y en su forma de entender el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, durante el curso académico 2017-2018, continuaremos con los caminos que Erasmus+ nos ofrece como centros escolares.

Esta vez el objetivo es formar a los profesores a través de un proceso de actualización metodológica en forma de una acción KA101:

e-teaching and e-learning

En el proyecto actual van a participar diez profesores de nuestro centro. Todos ellos pertenecen a distintos departamentos didácticos: Lengua castellana y Literatura, Inglés, Matemáticas, Filosofía, Educación Plástica y Física, por lo que están representadas la mayor parte de las materias que se imparten en los distintos niveles académicos.
 El interés de nuestro proyecto parte de la actualización metodológica en el mayor número de materias posibles, lo que permitiría además la puesta en práctica en una segunda fase del mismo del Aprendizaje basado en proyectos de forma interdisciplinar.
 A través de las diversas materias se pretende el desarrollo de la competencia digital de nuestro profesorado y  alumnado, contribuyendo al uso de las TIC como parte del Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos y el aprendizaje "Flipped Classroom"; que convierte al alumno en agente de su propio proceso de aprendizaje. Cada día somos más conscientes de cómo nuestro alumnado es capaz de usar las redes sociales o de su dependencia del móvil, pero no sabe cómo crear una carpeta DRIVE para desarrollar un trabajo colaborativo o cómo gestionar la búsqueda de información en internet y presentarla digitalmente.
Por tanto, pretendemos que la formación específica que reciba nuestro profesorado, le permita desarrollar su competencia digital para dar respuesta a los cambios tanto de enseñanza como de aprendizaje que se vienen produciendo en estos últimos años y que al mismo tiempo le permita desarrollar al alumnado estrategias relacionadas con las diversas competencias, inmersas en las materias y los contenidos curriculares que conllevan, incorporando la competencia digital y desarrollándola de forma consciente y educativa.
Se trata de continuar desarrollando estas metodologías en eel programa Enseñanza XXI pero además, de forma significativa,  sumarlas a los grupos ordinarios, brindándoles  la oportunidad de enriquecerse y desarrollar sus competencias ( lingüística, matemática, social, creativa...) haciendo uso en el aula de estas nuevas estrategias metodológicas que, sin lugar a dudas, resultan más motivadoras. Al mismo tiempo, estos alumnos han de desarrollar de formas consciente( y no simplemente intuitiva) su competencia digital, fundamental en la vinculación del aula y ese mundo real del que forman parte.
El profesorado implicado en este proyecto conformará un grupo de trabajo "INNOVA" con el fin último de preparar sencillas sesiones formativas con otros profesores y compartir con ellos los primeros pasos para cambiar la metodología en el aula así como incorporarse a diversos proyectos de dimensión cooperativa y europea.  Desde este grupo se solicitarán tanto seminarios de formación como proyectos de innovación relacionados con el eje vertebrador de este proyecto, dos vías que se nos ofrecen desde el Centro de Profesores, y se promoverá la participación en congresos centrados en nuevas metodologías.
Os iremos mostrando el desarrollo del proyecto,  las movilidades de nuestro profesorado a distintos centros escolares europeos así como los resultados alcanzados.
Empieza una nueva aventura.

domingo, 18 de junio de 2017

MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS, our project to know each other

 This eTwinning project has been developed during last two years in the frame of our Erasmus+ project: Spanish, passport between cultures.

It has consisted on different activities done by Spanish, Greek and Finnish students and teachers in order to introduce different aspects of our culture: literature, traditional plays, poems and songs, recipes and places to visit.

It has been a great work in which more than 12 teachers and 80 students have participated, improving different competences:


We are going to show you some of these activities that you can visit on a virtual trip through our Twinspace.

MYTHS, GAMES, SONGS of our tradition

Maria Pitsaki (English Language teacher) was the teacher-instructor for the contribution of the 20 Greek Erasmus+ students for the second semester topics (January-May 2016 & 2017). On the second semester of the first school year 2015-2016, the Erasmus team dealt with myths, games, and songs of our tradition and exchanged information with the Spanish and Finnish students on their myths. First, the students worked in their teams to decide about which myth they would study and then we designed all together a common questionnaire. Then, they wrote about their myths and finally created 2 "storybird". Secondly, they dealt with traditional games through time. In this topic, they decided to interview their parents or their grandparents on a set of questions that we decided all together. They also researched on one game and finally wrote a text and created two videos with students playing those traditional games and constructed one Minoan board game called Zatrikion. Finally, their last research was on traditional Cretan songs.
During the second semester of the school year 2016-17 the Greek Erasmus + students worked under the English teacher’s supervision on the following topics: One team studied the ‘Mythical Creatures: Kraken, Sirens, Cipaktli, Kappa’ and they created a Kahoot online quiz based on their research information,, the second team the  ‘Four of the toughest board games in the world: Go, The longest day, Magic Realm, The Campaign for North Africa “ and they made a chocolate delicacy which looked exactly like the board game Go.
The third team researched on ‘Eros God Myth’ laying emphasis on the ancient and contemporary art and mythology. This team created a wonderful handmade book and an MP4 video which was uploaded on the eTwinning platform.  The fourth team worked on Erotokritos Cretan Myth by Vitsentzos Cornaros and on Don Boyso song by Federico Garcia Lorca. All of their work was also carried out in partial fulfilment of a school subject entitled “Research Project”.

Their work can be seen here:

Sophocles "Antigone", The myth of Lavdakides

Irini’s Kassotaki (Greek Language and Literature teacher) 3 classes of grade B (B1, B2, B3) studied the tragedy "Antigone" of Sophocles, as an obligatory lesson in the Greek school's core curriculum. The preparation took place all over the first school year (September to May 2016) and it is repeated in the second year (2016-2017) with new classes of grade B. From the beginning of the lessons, the teacher informed the students about our Erasmus+ project and she asked them whether they wanted to show a part of their work about this tragedy, during the Erasmus+ event in April 2016 and the students agreed with that!
The teacher shared with them different parts of the tragedy. As a first step, students and teacher discussed and shared roles in each class; a person who was responsible for the production, directors, writers of the scenario and English/Spanish subtitles, actors of main roles and for chorus, prompters, technical support team, a team for clothing etc. For the selection of actors, they had a separate audition in each class, organised by Irini and the directors. After that, the teacher created a closed group for each class on Facebook and there, they were discussing the project’s progress. After a lot of preparation, the first scenes were filmed at the beginning of April and finally were presented in the Erasmus+ event in the first year and in classes in the second year. An example of this trial can be seen here:
The responsible teacher for editing the English subtitles was Maria Pitsaki and for editing the Spanish subtitles was Haris Dimitrakopoulos (Biology and Spanish Language teacher).

Traditional tales: in the past and in the present

Spanish students have been investigating about the past and the present of our European traditional tales, to show how we share a common literature and how all these stories have changed through the centuries.

This activity has been coordinated by the Language and Spanish Literature Department: Belen Martínez, Inma Lacal, Mª Dolores García and Mercedes Guzmán have been a team, working in the different levels with their students.

This activity has developed the new methodology: Learning based in Projects and Cooperative work. Students, distributed in groups of four or five students, have to look for information about:
-great European “storytellers”: Grimm Brothers, Charles Perrault, Andersen, Calleja… 
-the origin of traditional stories: Little Red Riding girl, Cinderella, The Beast and The Beauty… 
-how these tales coming to nowadays
-these tales in tv series, films, announcements….

An example of the result:

They created with different digital tools: PADLET, PREZI, SMORE a presentation with all the information of these stories.

This activity was enriched with another point of view: 
-  the tales in the plays of Miguel de Cervantes 
-  traditional Finnish literature

At the same time, Mrs. Guiomar Patiño (Greek and Latin teacher), was working with her students about Greek Myths. The result of this work has been:
-Three number of a digital magazine called “La sandalia de Hermes” that you can read in next links:
-A fantastic blog:

Lorca’s Traditional Songs

During the first school year (2015-2016) the Erasmus+ Greek students searched information about Lorca. Then, the students with Haris Dimitrakopoulos discussed on them in the class, referring some of the poet’s most famous works in Greek and in Spanish. They also correlated Greek poems and songs which had to do with the great Spanish poet. Finally, the teacher and the students decided to form two groups that they would prepare a video singing the Greek songs: “Federico García Lorca” and “Louzetai i agapi mou”. The former has been written and dedicated to Lorca’s life (by Nikos Kavadias) and the latter has been composed and inspired by Lorca’s poetry (by Lefteris Papadopoulos). Both videos were sent to the Spanish school, where they were presented at the event “Lorca en tu boca, Lorca en tus manos”, meanwhile when Greek school welcomed the Spanish and Finnish partners, the first one was presented live.

Furthermore, in the Literature classes, we had the opportunity to teach Lorca’s poetry related to the Spanish tradition. In the school year 2016-2017, Irini Kassotaki worked with some Lorca’s poems which are translated in Greek, as well. Students groups chose two of them, “Balada triste” and “Juegos”. They worked on the impressions and the feelings that poems caused to them and they interpreted imageries and music. The result was a bilingual (Spanish and Greek) video presented to the whole class and at the event "Lorca, desde Murcia hasta la luna".

You can see their two years’ work here:

In the Spanish high school, Mrs. Petra Carrillo (Music teacher) has been working in the twelve traditional songs in which the poet Federico García Lorca created the music. Students have worked six songs every school year. They started with different digital presentations about the life and work of Federico García Lorca and after that, they sang and dramatised these songs.

All these works (Greek, Spanish and Finnish) were introduced in two “Spread Events”:

-In March 2016: "Lorca en tus manos, Lorca en tus labios" (Lorca on your hands, Lorca on your lips).
-In March 2017: "Lorca. Desde Murcia a la luna" (Lorca. From Murcia to Moon).

You can watch our students and our work in the next video:

Learn your neighbors: Present your place with a selfie

One of the goals to Erasmus+ project was that the students would present their place through selfies. Irini Kassotaki organised the 20 Greek Erasmus+ students in a closed group on facebook and they sent her their selfies from favourite places in Heraklion and countryside. During the Erasmus+ visiting week in Heraklion, Helsinki, and Murcia they made selfies with their partners, too. All these photos have been uploaded in our Erasmus+ twinspace page.

Spanish, Greek and Finnish students that participated in the exchanges took different selfies all together in different moments and places in Helsinki, Heraklion, and Murcia. But these students did not only participate. In the Spanish high school the coordinator of this activity, teacher Mr. Javier Mínguez, Art Department, went out with their students (in third level, about 40 every year) to take selfies in Murcia (in our gardens, in  the Cathedral, in Clara´s Museum, at University…) and in Alcantarilla and the students shared all these photos in Twinspace.

Students created QR code for these photos with the most important information about the places photographed.

With all these materials, Mr. Javier Mínguez made a selection in order to organise an exposition in the Municipal Library in Alcantarilla. This exposition was inaugurated on 30th May and you can visit it until 30th June, but in case you can´t go, here you are the QR code that will take you to the catalogue of our exposition:


The first thought was the Erasmus students would cook together with their partners during their staying in Heraklion and afterwards, in Helsinki and Murcia. The goal was to exchange recipes to each other. They had to collaborate in order to cook together and learn about foreign ways of cooking and eating. Since we realised that many other students of three schools were willing to participate in such an event, Mercedes, Hilkka, and Irini decided to organise a recipe competition, open to all students. So, as far as the event in Heraklion is concerned, first, Irini made an announcement in the Greek school about the recipe competition and then started organising them in a closed group on Facebook and keeping notes about the recipes they wanted to cook and present.
The teacher collected some traditional recipes from Greece, Spain, and Finland, with the help of the partners Hilkka, Adela, Mercedes and Haris (editing the Spanish translation). She made a booklet for helping, mainly, the Erasmus students who tried to cook some of these before coming in Heraklion!

As far as the Greek project is concerned, called “Master Chef Europeo”, the food was presented by each group that prepared it and then a taste Committee made by a group of teachers of the three countries gave marks to them, in order to find out the three first winners in different categories: Best Mediterranean Starter, Best Mediterranean Main Dish, Best Mediterranean Dessert, Best International Starter, Best International Main Dish, Best International Dessert, Most Original Recipe and Best Presentation. Finally, the three best foods in each one of the 8 categories announced won prizes. The organiser for the prizes was Haris Dimitrakopoulos and the responsible person for decoration and food presentation was Maria Polychronaki (Greek Language and Literature teacher) and her students' team.

In Helsinki, during our second exchange, Spanish and Greek students learn how to cook “Cinamon rolls”, a typical Finnish recipe. During the third exchange, in Murcia, all students cooked with their families some Greek, Finnish and Spanish recipes and on 7th 
March we celebrated our “2nd EUROPEAN MASTER CHEF”, organised by the teachers Fina Gracia and Jose Saturno.

These are the most important activities that we, all together, teachers, students, and families have been developing in an incredible Twinspace, complete of works, presentations, photos… and much more. We invite you to visit our pages and discover a fantastic trip that started two years ago.

Mercedes Guzmán, Hilkka Roose Nurmi and Irini Kassotaki.
Erasmus+ Coordinators.