domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Last news in Crete!!!!

 Nuestra compañera Guiomar Patiño, profesora de griego y latín del IES Francisco Salzillo,  ha estado trabajando con los alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato, los mitos clásicos de origen cretense.

Junto con sus alumnos le ha dado forma de periódico digital , al que han llamado, Las sandalias de Hermes.

Aquí os dejamos el enlace para que podáis leerlo.

 Our colleague Guiomar Patiño, Latin and Greek teacher, in the high school Francisco Salzillo,has been working with her students different myths.

Latest news in Crete!!!

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

Can co-teaching and blended learning coexist in the core curriculum secondary schools?

M. Pitsaki, I. Kassotaki, C. Dimitrakopoulos (2015). Can co-teaching and blended learning coexist in the core curriculum of secondary schools?-A project in Spanish and Hispano-American culture, 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 7798-7808

The article discusses the use of blended learning and co-teaching in interdisciplinary fields in group activities at Greek secondary school level in an elective course. Three secondary school teachers from different fields (Biology & Spanish Language, English Language, Greek Language) cooperated to attain the goal of involving 46 students in learning through group activities the Spanish and Hispano- American culture employing ICT skills such as interactive whiteboards, blog and website. The project was based on the principles of collaborative teaching and learning cross-culturally involving interdisciplinary topics such as art, culture, history, sports, language, literature, geography, cuisine, music and cinema. Discovery learning was applied through students’ presentations and was further reinforced by our experiences in the educational trip to Madrid, Toledo and Segovia. The article recommends the possible adoption of co-teaching and blended learning in the core curriculum of secondary education as a means of acquiring and retaining knowledge in a creative way and argues for a shift towards the integration of student-student interaction and collaboration.
Keywords: Blended-learning, co-teaching, discovery learning, ICT skills, interdisciplinary, cross- cultural, cooperative learning. 

You can read the article:

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016

Flipped Classroom: To Flip or Not To Flip, That's The Question!

As it was already said in the old song, It's a bad time for lyric  poetry... Many times, teachers wonder what we are doing when we explain something in which our  students are not interested or we see them bored to death! . Laziness invading us is also the worst thing that may happen. The "relationship" between learning and teaching is really difficult in these situations, and then the results could become negative.

That society is changing, is a fact.  We don´t have students who only obey their teacher without  questioning any more. Our students live in a frantic  society , in a digital era. They think that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, when they are at school, the time stops: they have to pay attention, they must do boring exercises without moving around , and then... they get bored. they aren´t used to learn in this way...and they start asking themselves :"Why do I have to study Literature, Maths... even languages?"

  Flipped classroom was born to avoid this pessimistic view of education. How can I get my students be the agents of their own learning? With this new methodology the teacher is a guide of the learning, not the only source of knowledge. The time in the classroom is not to explain, is to work and solve queries. The teacher leads to knowledge, but the pupil is who chooses  how to learn.
They learn to learn.

It's not easy to change all the way. Teachers need a great amount of time to create new classroom materials instead of using the " text book ". And the most important thing, we need the commitment and effort of our  students. But well managed , it is worth . Students feel integrated in their educational process , many times they are the searchers  of their subject matters. The teacher gives the index , they fill up the gaps and the teacher tells them if they are on the right track .

Many of us want to "flip" the classroom. This is easier in a digital education, because every student has got a laptop or tablet. The point is adding competences, and the digital competence is really important in our society. The school can´t close its doors to changes. We can't turn our back on the new way of acquiring  knowledge. Nowadays, any thing can be found on the internet and we have to teach them how to browse, how to manage all that information and consider these concepts.

So from optimism we, all the teachers who are already  "flipping", are trying to adapt our classes to this new methodology, a new type of learning. #flipanndoelSalzillo
Translation by Dª Bárbara Vicente
Jefa de Departamento de Inglés
IES Francisco Salzillo